Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dave Hunt Update

Some years back, an Arminian friend signed me up to Dave Hunt's Berean Call newsletter. This was actually back before Hunt had actually learned Reformed theology by osmosis overnight. Even before Mr. Hunt became an expert on Calvinism, I was never much of a fan of his work, even his work on Roman Catholicism (although, if I recall, He actually won this Roman Catholic debate because his opponent didn't even seem to know it was supposed to be a debate: mp3 link) .

That being said, I've got nothing personal against the man. I still get the Berean Call faithfully every month. Dave no longer writes actively for the newsletter, and hasn't for quite a while. In fact, I don't think he's able to write at all. The recent Berean Call explains:
As most of you know, Dave Hunt had his 86th birthday in September. He is presently in a nursing care facility here in Bend, Oregon. Some months ago, Dave had a stroke, and though his vital signs are good, the Lord’s warrior and watchman is no longer “standing on the wall” or able to swing the “sword of the Spirit” as he once did. Ruth spends half of her 24-hour days ministering to her champion, a challenging care-giving task that she assumes with joy. Please continue to pray for Dave and Ruth as they see the Lord using them in new and different ways that are certainly no less fruitful as they glorify Him daily. Pray also for their children as they have the opportunity to minister to their parents as never before. The wonderful thing about knowing the Lord is that whether He provides the opportunity for us to minister to others, or we become the opportunity for others to minister to us, spiritual fruit is produced and God is glorified.

1 comment:

PeaceByJesus said...

Thanks for the update. How is Eric Svendsen?